RIDGEFIELD, WA-Two companies from Colorado Springs, Colo. are negotiating with landowners here for a major business park development on 286 acres near the Ridgefield Junction that would also include housing and retail space.
The Schuck Corp. and JRC Financial Inc. are the would-be developers. The land, located southeast of the Interstate 5-Northwest 269th Street intersection, has three different owners. The companies have been negotiating with the landowners for more than a year now.
This Wednesday night, at the request of the city’s planning commission, representatives of the developer are coming to town to give a presentation on the benefits of having mixed-uses be a part of the park, JRC president John R. Crist tells GlobeSt. “We’re not far enough along to talk specifically about our project,” says Crist, whose company develops large industrial parks. “So we will be offering our perspective on how offering a mixed-use project will help absorption and increase desirability by offering employers more amenities.”