DALLAS-There should be some optimism about the Dallas-Ft. Worth office market, with area brokers sealing four leases for a total of 94,842 sf.
Insight for Living has cut the largest deal, signing for 46,972 sf for its global headquarters. The long-term signing puts the radio ministry into One Legacy Town Center, situated at Dallas North Tollway and Tennyson in Plano. The tenant is the international radio ministry of Bible teacher and best-selling author, Chuck Swindoll. Larry Toon, senior vice president of Dallas-based Staubach Co., and Jim Ballard, vice president, negotiated the pact for the tenant. David Reed of Lincoln Property Co., also headquartered in Dallas, represented the building owner.
Henry S. Miller Commercial’s senior vice president Al Shannon has closed a 25,000 sf office lease for Belfor USA at 8740 Diplomacy Row in Dallas. Shannon negotiated the pact for Belfor while Jeff Mercer of the Dallas-based Robert Lynn Co. acted for the building owner, Dallas’ Knopf Family Partnership. Belfor is leasing the entire single-story building, constructed in 1967.