PLANO, TX-Amid the international anguish of Tuesday’s dual terrorists’ attacks, Plano, TX-based EDS Corp. announced a high-profile appointment that under normal circumstances would have caught the world’s attention.
Shortly before the deadly attacks in New York City and Washington, DC, former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak was named special adviser to EDS chairman and CEO Dick Brown. An EDS spokeswoman has declined to discuss the appointment in the aftermath of the attacks. EDS, a Department of Defense contractor, had employees at the Pentagon during Tuesday’s attack.
Barak’s starting date is unavailable as are the specifics of his advisory role that will deal with international business and policy for the company, started by Ross Perot Sr. and now its chief rival. EDS, known for its high-security campus and closely guarded business dealings, is planning to use “Barak’s counsel as we continue to build our presence around the world,” Brown said in Tuesday’s press release and one that slid to the backburner of most wire services but surfaced yesterday on Associated Press.