PORTLAND-The Port of Portland on Wednesday, June 11, will seek approval from its ruling Commission to sell its remaining 15.8 acres of Terminal 1, also known as T-1 North, to the City of Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services, which will continue to use the site as a base of operations for its combined sewer overflow tunnel project. The proposed acquisition price is $6.3 million.
The Port of Portland ceased operating Terminal 1 North as a public marine cargo facility in 1989. In 1998, the Port’s Marine Division transferred management of the parcel to the Property and Development Services department. Since then, numerous short-term tenants have leased the property, including James River Corporation, Benson Industries, Multnomah County Justice Services and, most recently, to the city for staging the boring of a four-mile tunnel that will be 14 feet in diameter and 120 feet deep.
Port officials say they have considered various redevelopment options for the property, including industrial, another maritime use and even commercial or residential uses, but “none of those alternatives proved feasible within financial, regulatory or market constraints,” according to the Port. So instead of continuing to lease the property to the city, a purchase and sale agreement is being drawn up.