FORT WORTH-A week-old real estate firm has cut its first deal by hiring veteran Richard E. “Rick” Hopwood, who exits NAI Stoneleigh Huff Brous McDowell in Fort Worth at week’s end to take his seat Monday as senior vice president and partner for Red Oak Realty.
Red Oak’s president James M. Eagle last week said the signing was close, but couldn’t release the details until the deal was done. Hopwood, a 25-year professional, has spent the last two years as senior director for NAI Stoneleigh Huff Brous McDowell and SVP for Huff Brous McDowell Management Inc., also in Fort Worth. Prior to that, Hopwood was a leading exec for 12 years at Dallas-based Prentiss Properties Ltd. Inc. His career started in Houston as an assistant VP and loan officer in the real estate department of National Bank of Commerce.
Sam Brous, principal, tells that there are no replacement plans at present although the firm has just hired two brokers for its ranks. “Rick is a great guy and we’re going to miss him,” Brous says. “He’s done a great job in the brokerage end and in his supporting role on the management side.” Hopwood was ranked in Top 10 producers in 2002 while overseeing four million sf of property for the management company.