HOBOKEN, NJ-The signing of new Business Employment Incentive Program (BEIP) was the centerpiece of the day, but New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey had a lot more on his mind last week when he sat down for an exclusive GlobeSt.com interview. To begin with, what happened early this year when his administration and the business community were suddenly at loggerheads over the announcement that BEIP was in jeopardy, combined with the unveiling of the so-called Blueprint for Intelligent Growth, or BIG Map (see earlier stories)?
“The difficulty was that we were confronted with a budget deficit that was not an insignificant challenge,” McGreevey tells GlobeSt.com. “With the support of the business community, we now have BEIP being financed through the state EDA, which will ensure consistency and predictability.
“As to the state map, we’ve been working with [NJ DEP commissioner Bradley Campbell] to provide increased consistency and predictability,” McGreevey says of his administration’s so-called “smart growth” plan to give priority to development in certain parts of the state over others. “The state map will largely reflect the historic underpinnings of the state plan.”