I spent a great deal of time and energy last year prepping corporate real estate executives for change. I also spent a lot of time on the road, 19 separate trips and 61 days to be exact, with most of the travel coming after June. The frenetic travel schedule and project work provided great feedback from clients, potential clients, colleagues, competitors and friends on what service providers can and should do differently in 2006. I collected comments and observations from several sources over the past year, and I share these now.
“To be successful, service providers must understand how the next generation of corporate real estate executive thinks. That means a new customer focus.”
This quote from a client shows the need for service providers to help corporate real estate executives strengthen relationships with their end-user customer–not a shared-service relationship but an understanding of goals, commitments and results. The key is to help corporate real estate get a seat at the table as part of the business-unit support team. A model for success is an effective CRM program. Several companies are implementing this into their corporate real estate, and in 2006 you’ll hear news of success stories as well as failed CRM initiatives.