Over the past several years, the corporate real estate industry has witnessed service providers investing heavily in external marketing, business development, sales and service delivery. Most of these investments have been proportional to the size of the provider and, depending on the firm and its available budget; some corporate real estate clients saw some truly fancy antics to win business.
The latest trend is for many of these same firms to rein it in a bit, focus inward and invest in building their respective platforms. Whether it’s adding additional resources to their transition teams, or building stronger bench strength, or improving upon earlier initiatives and truly deliver a functional and beneficial client dashboard, each of the major providers is looking inward to deliver the CRE client what they hope to prove is a stronger, more robust platform that that of their competition. Some are building more innovation and thought leadership into their repertoire, other are focusing on improving the level and application of consulting services, and supporting clients’ relationship management initiatives, but almost all are redoubling their efforts in 2006 to develop better and more targeted marketing strategies to win a greater share of business. They all want to create a new perception in the marketplace about outsourcing. The perception is of a one-stop-shop that is consultative in nature, supremely effective in execution, and like the Visa tag line–everywhere you want to be!
Is it the right thing to do? Yes, but only 50% right. Let me explain.