DALLAS-Dealmakers have delivered two headquarters deals for first-generation space in 2525 McKinnon, a three-year-old building in Uptown that’s standing in the shadows of several under-construction or soon-to-rise office projects. The traction renews optimism for owners who, six months ago, pulled the plug on a plan to office condo the class A building.
DG Fast Channel Inc. took 6,352 sf and Portnoy Capital Management, 1,489 sf. In recent months, the Stream Realty Partners LP leasing team also put the San Francisco-based ticket broker StubHub Inc. into 1,409 sf. The minimum term exceeds five years across the board, according to Stream associate Benjamin Hautt. The signings push occupancy to 48.3%, up 7.8% since Stream got the 109,810-sf building assignment from the local owner, Seneca Investment Co.