(Read more on the multifamily market.)
NEW YORK CITY-Approximately 1,300 attendees were on hand Tuesday to support affordable housing, where Gov. Eliot Spitzer, the event’s keynote speaker, emphasized the need to protect the American Dream in the city and its surrounding areas. The New York Housing Conference and National Housing Conference 34th Annual Awards Luncheon held at the Hilton New York honored those who continue to create and preserve affordable housing in New York and nationwide.
“We made a promise to bring passion back to state government,” Spitzer said, during his speech, which followed the luncheon’s awards ceremony. “First we were replacing stagnation with action, and now we are moving forward,” he said, adding that the logical next step for the State will be to increase funding. Spitzer noted that, although he could not detail budget plans for next year as far as affordable housing goes until his budget proposal next month, he strongly believes that affordable housing is a priority. He did note however that it will be a tough sell in Albany with the $4.3-billion budget gap, but addressing funding for affordable housing it is a central concern.