NEW YORK CITY-Freestanding residential tower HL23 will rise from a site on West 23rd Street half beneath the High Line elevated railway bed, now slated for transformation into an urban park. Construction will begin in March on the 14-story building, which will have a reverse-tapering structure.
A source familiar with the development tells that the developer, locally based 23 High Line LLC, is buying 100% green energy for the building. Alf Naman of High Line confirms, telling that they are in contract to purchase green power from a source that is creating energy elsewhere through wind power. Naman also reveals that total hard costs for the construction are $22 million.
The design architect for the development, located at 515-517 W. 23rd St., will be Neil M. Denari Architects Inc. of Los Angeles. YRG sustainability consultants will direct the High Line project through the LEED-certification process. The developer, 23 High Line is pursuing certification at the Gold level, which targets 41 of 69 available points. According to a prepared statement, the project is targeting points in all five categories, as well as additional innovation credits for exemplary and innovative performance strategies. As a residential building, special attention has been focused on improving occupant health and well-being by providing a high level of indoor air quality and supplying extensive natural light to the units, the release notes. In addition, strong emphasis was placed on energy efficiency, thereby reducing the demand on our depleting natural resources.
HL23 |
Some of the many green strategies being implemented in this project include: providing a high level of ventilation and indoor air quality to creates a healthier indoor environment for residents; specifying products and materials with low Volatile Organic Compound content to further improve indoor air quality and occupant health; using eco-efficient water fixtures and appliances, which reduces water consumption by at least 30%; implementing a construction management plan that focuses on reducing indoor air contaminants and further improves the building’s air quality; extensive natural daylighting and views to the outdoors, which should reduce the need for electric lighting; providing bicycle storage for building occupants; specifying high reflective roofing products, which will reduce the urban heat-island effect; integrating efficient mechanical systems and a tight building envelope, reducing energy consumption by 15% to 25%; using refrigerants that are low ozone depleting and do not contribute to global warming; providing infrastructure for trash chutes and a recycling program within the building; implementing a construction waste management plan that diverts at least 75% of waste from landfills; and using materials with high recycled content.
Brown Harris Stevens has been retained as exclusive sales agent for the property. The source tells that completion date is scheduled for the end of 2009 and that units will be available for sale once construction begins.