[IMGCAP(1)]NEW YORK CITY-Green is the new black, and firms all over the country are taking notice by creating sustainability practices. Locally based Rexcorp Realty LLC recently formed a Green Buildings Committee, which will focus on increasing the energy efficiency of its operations while lessening the environmental impact of existing and future developments. Los Angeles-based law firm Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP launched a sustainability program to focus on increasing energy efficiency and reducing waste.
[IMGCAP(2)]At RexCorp, committee members will seek to meet these challenges by developing creative solutions that decrease RexCorp’s carbon footprint through significantly lowering emissions of greenhouse gasses. The mission of the Green Buildings Committee at RexCorp calls for enhancing energy efficiency in both existing and new developments as well as sourcing new energy options including solar panels, wind turbines, fuel cell technology, cogeneration plants and thermal storage solutions. The committee will assist RexCorp tenants, vendors and suppliers in sourcing environmentally friendly products, material and systems to further this important cause.
[IMGCAP(3)]“Forming this committee represents the continued commitment of RexCorp to promote innovation in energy-efficient buildings and environmentally-sensitive development,” says Scott Rechler, chairman and CEO of RexCorp. “We stand firmly committed to the proposition that helping the environment and fostering economic development aren’t mutually exclusive.”