NEW YORK CITY-Real Estate Media has made a number of editorial changes in a move to accelerate its strategy of integrating more closely the print and online content. Toward that end, John Salustri has been named editorial director. Salustri had formerly served as executive editor for online content and national online editor of Ian Ritter, currently special sections editor, will now fill Salustri’s online positions. In addition, Connie Gore,’s Southwest bureau chief, has been promoted to national news editor. Real Estate Media is a division of ALM, an Incisive Media company.
The promotions support a growing initiative to integrate Real Estate Media’s print and online products and expand the division’s presence into new markets. That integration has already begun, with the creation of digital editions of REM’s print publications and their availability throughout web pages. Defining further strategies for integration will be a key part of Salustri’s mission.
“Under John’s direction, our new editorial team will identify opportunities across titles–e-newsletters, magazines and content areas within existing products—where we can expand or integrate offerings to solidify our market presence,” said Michael Desiato, vice president of ALM’s Real Estate Media Division.