You Are About To See The Meaning Of Unintended Consequences
In Congress usual fashion, in their attempt to fix a serious problem, financial regulation, they screwed it up by inserting politics in ways that will cause the opposite effect they intended, and will cause harm. While everyone agrees there were serious lapses of good judgment and regulatory oversight in the period up to the crisis, and that there are some very good things in the bill, there are some parts that will cause real damage, and which will take a lot of effort to try to fix. Start with the consumer protection agency. This will have very bad impacts on the availability of credit, and, as a result, bad affects on economic growth. While there is no question many unscrupulous mortgage brokers, Wall St bankers and others did things that are purely stupid and totally driven by foolish short term greed, the fix is not to have Washington bureaucrats now making rules which will go over board the other way. If Elizabeth Warren is chosen, as the Democrats want, to run the agency, then it will be a real disaster. She is a left leaning zealot who has never held a real job. Listening to her in several TV interviews, is to listen to someone who thinks all of us in finance are crooks and that making a profit is immoral. Giving her that job will just imbue her ego with unlimited levels of arrogance which will lead her to want to show how she is in charge, and she is going to fix the world. It will be a disaster. She will make it extremely difficult and very expensive to provide credit to most consumers who are at the lower end of the economic spectrum. This will inhibit the economy and it will consign that strata of workers to permanently lesser opportunity to build their own economic well being. While I am not in favor of all the things that we saw with subprime and conduit lending, there is a needed balance which is very hard to find. Elizabeth Warren is so unbalanced that the outcome of the new regs will be terrible.