Barney Frank, Obama, and Harry Reid love to blast all of us capital markets people and successful business people, as bad fat cats, and the cause of all the crisis. Yet here we are watching disgraceful political theater go on and on causing real damage to the economy. Empty threats from Geithner, as a series of, the world will end dates which keep moving, and the usual rhetoric from Nancy and Obama about how all the seniors, children, and working Americans (I guess the rest of us either don’t really work or are not American), will suffer while we get away with not paying our “fair share” of taxes. I presume you know that 47% of America pays no income tax and the top 10% of us pay most of the taxes. There is zero possibility the government will not pay interest on maturing notes, and they will roll them. I hate the references to “those who are more fortunate”. I am not more fortunate and neither are most of you. I started with minus nothing and I worked my butt off all my career to earn everything I have. Nobody gave me a penny. I paid my taxes. I presume that is the case for most of you. Just as Las Vegas has been decimated by Obama bashing, now it is our turn to get bashed and trashed because we worked harder and sacrificed more to get where we are, and we lived responsibly.
Obama claims he is the one cutting deficits, but his cuts do not make a real dent once interest rates rise. Nancy says no to any entitlement reform, yet everyone, including her, knows there is no way the country can survive with entitlements rising the way they are. But when we complain that the Dodd Frank rules cut out all the profit of CMBS by requiring the holdback of all of the profits, we are bad people. When Boeing builds a billion dollar factory in order to create jobs and build their business, the NLRB says shut it down and abandon it, and they wonder why jobs go overseas. Now that card check has failed in Congress, they use the NLRB to change the rules so the vote is in ten days instead of 30, and it is by majority voting, not the majority of the workers. And they wonder why jobs go overseas. The EPA institutes new rules for car mileage that make cars much too expensive for the average buyer, but then they wonder why auto sales will be low and unemployment increased. They just assume people will buy these expensive cars.