CARLSBAD, CA—Caruso Affiliated has announced plans for 203 acres of coastline south of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon in Carlsbad, CA. Called Agua Hedionda 85/15 Plan, the idea is to preserve 176 acres, or 85%, of the land to serve as open space for the community, and then develop the remaining 26 acres, or 15%, of the space into a retail, restaurant and recreation center. The proposed plan will be competed at no cost to the taxpayers.
Caruso learned of this opportunity three years ago, and has spent that time speaking to residents in the community about the project. “What emerged from our conversations is not only a strong interest in the community for unique restaurants and retail and places to spending time with their friends and family, but also a strong desire for new open space and access to the land around the lagoon,” Matt Middlebrook, EVP of development at Caruso Affiliated, tells “We’ll improve and then protect 176 acres of open space and only build on the remaining 15 percent of the property. It’s a great opportunity to deliver to the community everything they asked for, and all of it will be done at no cost to the taxpayers. So far the reaction from the community has been strongly favorable.”