LOS ANGELES—At the RICS annual Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles on April 24, Army Reserve facilities chief James Balocki asked the private sector to help the government manage its assets. In response, RICS has pledged to bring global private forces together to collaborate and help the Army Reserve become “leaner, greener and more efficient,” according to Balocki.
“The U.S. Army Reserve has played a critical role in the Army’s transformation. It comprises 20% of the Army’s organized units for less than 6% of the Army’s budget. Nonetheless, we are now challenged to find new, better, inventive ways to be more cost-efficient and more cost-effective if we are going to continue to maintain our Army’s readiness posture to defend this nation,” Balocki tells GlobeSt.com. “That’s tough because the automatic cuts across the federal government triggered by the budget control act of 2011 are having a profound impact on the nation’s Army. We recognize the private sector with its resourcefulness, culture of solving hard problems and spirit of ingenuity has and can continue to provide the Army Reserve with a host of innovative ideas to attain new efficiencies, greater effectiveness and improved use of resources.”