IRVINE, CA—New executives brought on to manage key assets in Las Vegas and Phoenix.
David Phillips |
davidphillips |
Updated on February 10, 2016
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IRVINE, CA— BKM Capital Partners , an institutional fund manager with a niche focus on value-add, multi-tenant industrial investments, has established BKM Property Management Co. as an integral component to its operator platform. “We now own seven assets throughout the Western US and will be up to 11 assets in the next 60 days,” says Matthew Stephenson , director of asset management at BKM Capital Partners. “With 20-100 tenants per asset, we need boots on the ground to help manage our tenant base, oversee capital improvement plans and execute our leasing strategies. We believe it is in the best interest of our investors and our tenants to perform the property management function in-house and are excited to launch this company.” The timing of the launch of the property management company ties into BKM Capital Partner’s first institutional fund closing with $350 million of buying power. Acquisitions are being targeted in the Western US through the end of the year. BKM Property Management Company is ramping up with new hires in the regions where it already own assets. In early January, Kimberly Stinnett was hired as property manager to lead the Las Vegas office and will operate out of BKM’s Patrick Commerce Center asset. Kimberly has more than 10 years of property management experience, most recently serving as executive vice president at BOMA Nevada . Also, in late January, Paul Asher joined BKM Property Management Company as the regional general manager in the Phoenix marketplace. Paul joins the firm from Hannay Realty Advisors where he served as the director of property management. Paul is a University of Arizona graduate with more than 15 years’ experience in commercial real estate. Paul will be located onsite at BKM’s Black Canyon Business Park . Headquartered in Irvine, BKM Capital Partners is a fund manager specializing in the acquisition and improvement of value-add multi-tenant industrial properties in metro areas across the Western US.
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