HFF Arranges JV and Financing for Medical Building
LAGUNA HILLS, CA—Greenlaw and UBS have partnered for the acquisition of Saddleback Valley Medical Center.
David Phillips |
davidphillips |
Updated on March 08, 2016
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LAGUNA HILLS, CA— Holliday Fenoglio Fowler, L.P. (HFF) has arranged a joint venture and financing for the acquisition of Saddleback Valley Medical Center , a 135,904-square-foot medical office property on the campus of Saddleback Memorial Medical Center .
HFF arranged the joint venture between Greenlaw Partners and a fund advised by UBS Realty Investors LLC , who together acquired the asset for $34.5 million. Additionally, HFF worked on behalf of the joint venture to secure the floating-rate acquisition loan through a regional bank. Saddleback Valley Medical Center is situated on a 2.6-acre site at 23961 Calle de la Magdalena. Saddleback Memorial Medical Center, was voted the #1 Hospital in Orange County in 2014 in the Orange County Register’s “Best of Orange County.” The five-story property borders Laguna Woods Village , a 3,500-acre independent living, 55+ community and is less than a half of a mile from the San Diego Freeway . Saddleback Valley Medical Center was most recently renovated in 2014 and is currently undergoing lease-up. Greenlaw and UBS plan to build upon their experience in the local market and invest capital into the building to solidify Saddleback Valley Medical Center as one of the premier medical officebuildings in the greater Orange County market. The HFF team representing Greenlaw Partners was led by managing director Todd Sugimoto and associate director Jeff Sause . Greenlaw Partners, LLC is an Irvine-based real estate investment, management and development company. Greenlaw currently manages a portfolio of approximately $6.5 million square feet with a value in excess of $1.5 billion. The company is focused on acquiring assets throughout selective markets in the Western United States. With more than 36 years of real estate investment advisory experience, the US real estate business of UBS Asset Management has approximately $28.8 billion under management on behalf of more than 500 clients. A multi-disciplined real estate organization with staff of approximately 199, it is headquartered in Hartford, CT with regional offices in San Francisco and Dallas .
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