RIVERSIDE, CA—The distribution facility was developed recently for Alessandro Partners.
David Phillips |
davidphillips |
Updated on May 11, 2016
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RIVERSIDE, CA— Western Realco has completed a 10-year plus lease with Ascena Retail Group , a leading specialty retailer, for a 582,772-square-foot industrial building in Riverside. Ascena will move into the building, located at 7295 San Gorgonio Drive , on July 1. The transaction marks the retail group’s first West Coast distribution center for their Western U.S. stores.
Western Realco recently completed construction of the industrial building on behalf of Alessandro Partners, LLC . The owner was represented by Chuck Belden of Cushman & Wakefield and James Panting of Commercial Realty Advisors . The tenant was represented by Mike McCrary, Peter McWilliams and Nicole Welch of JLL . Western Realco was hired by Alessandro to develop and market the building as well as lead lease negotiations. “The location provides a critical link for Ascena’s distribution, putting the retailer at the heart of one of the nation’s most efficient goods movement systems,” said Vance Mape , principal, Western Realco. “The tenant also gains from operating in a state-of-the-art industrial building that provides, due to LEED Gold Certification , better overall sustainability.” The industrial building, on 30.25 acres of land, features 32′ minimum clear height, 84 dock high loading doors, 100 trailer parking stalls and ESFR sprinkler system. The location benefits from immediate access to the 215 and SR-60 freeways. Corporate neighbors include Sysco Corporation, Walgreen’s, Lowes Hardware, and Kia Motors North America , among others. “For industrial tenants, there is great efficiency in locating in a city that operates its own utility such is the case with Riverside. There are a number of rate benefits for companies that provide a reduced cost when compared to other areas,” said Belden. In addition to development of this new industrial building, Western Realco has completed and marketed 790,000 square feet of industrial space in the Inland Empire West during the last 18 months and currently has 1.3 million square feet under construction in the Inland Empire East. Established in 1972, Western Realco provides real estate development services throughout California and the West. Specializing in office and industrial projects, their services include land acquisition, finance, project conceptualization, construction management, marketing and property management. Western Realco has developed in excess of 17 million square feet and more than 1,350 acres throughout California and Nevada.
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