Goodman Birtcher Inks 1M Square Foot Lease with Amazon
EASTVALE, CA—Single building will make up half of the new Goodman Commerce Center.
David Phillips |
davidphillips |
Updated on May 28, 2016
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EASTVALE, CA— Goodman Group says its-wholly owned North American subsidiary, Goodman Birtcher has secured a long-term lease with Amazon for a one million square feet logistics center at its Goodman Commerce Center in Eastvale.
The facility is the first of two buildings which will comprise a two million square foot distribution campus and is being constructed by Goodman Birtcher as part of its overall Goodman Commerce Center Eastvale development. This new 205-acre mixed-use development, which is located directly off the Cantu-Galleano Ranch Road Exit on the I-15 , will offer a variety of space options, including distribution, business park, retail and medical. “We are delighted to complete this leasing deal with Amazon and welcome them to Goodman Commerce Center Eastvale,” said Brandon Birtcher , CEO. “Amazon found our state-of-the-art logistics center a good match for its operational requirements.” As one of the largest global industrial property groups, Goodman has world-class expertise in managing and developing tailored logistics and warehousing solutions for a range of customers, which has provided it with a deep understanding of the unique requirements of the ecommerce sector. Goodman has developed and manages some of the largest ecommerce distribution centers around the world and this sector is one of the key drivers of Goodman’s business. “Ecommerce logistics requires strategic locations with innovative design to help our customers efficiently process, sort and distribute goods to their demanding online customers,” said Greg Goodman , group CEO of Goodman Group. “As a leader in ecommerce logistics design, Goodman is distinguished by its property management services, enabling customers to modify and upgrade the property to stay competitive in a fast-moving industry.” Goodman Group is one of the world’s largest industrial property groups, with a global network spanning 16 countries and more than $25 billion of assets under management.
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