SAN DIEGO—Daniel Demitro and Peyton Hoban join as senior and regional manager.
David Phillips |
davidphillips |
Updated on July 27, 2016
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SAN DIEGO— Sunrise Management , which has specialized in managing multifamily properties since 1978, has added two new members to its growing San Diego team : Daniel Demitro as senior regional real estate manager and Peyton Hoban as regional real estate manager.
According to Joe Greenblatt , president and CEO of Sunrise Management , both Demitro and Hoban are seasoned multifamily professionals with a strong background in managing residential portfolios. Demitro was most recently senior regional manager for Alliance Residential in San Diego and Hoban as property manager with San Diego-based Capital Growth Properties . “Dan and Peyton’s expertise in all phases of multifamily property management, from acquisition and lease-up to disposition and marketing, will be put to good use as we continue to expand our company,” said Greenblatt. “Both bring a wide view of our markets to the table, as well as a strong set of strategic and analytical skills.” As a senior regional manager for Alliance Residential, Demitro oversaw 13 properties in the San Diego , Los Angeles and Inland Empire markets. He also served as an area manager and later regional manager with Irvine-based Carmel Partners after 12 years with The Irvine Company Apartment Communities . He has a bachelor’s degree from Humboldt State University and holds a certificate from the University of Southern California ‘s executive management program. A past board member of the California Apartment Association of San Diego, he holds a California real estate license and is a certified residential manager with the California Apartment Association. In addition, Demitro is a candidate for IREM’s Certified Property Manager (CPM) certification. A graduate of San Diego State University , Hoban most recently was in charge of the operational and financial performance of portfolio of San Diego properties as property manager with Capital Growth Properties. She also worked for Prime Asset Management , is a candidate for IREM’s CPM designation and holds her paralegal certificate from the University of San Diego. Hoban is involved with the San Diego County Apartment Association and will be co-chair of the organization in 2017. Founded in 1978, Sunrise Management is a privately owned San Diego-based firm specializing in the management of residential real estate properties. The firm currently has regional offices in Sacramento, Las Vegas and Phoenix , overseeing more than 12,000 multifamily units throughout California and the Southwest.
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