Real Capital, Vision Partners Completing Mountain Ridge Office Renovation
MONTVILLE, NJ—The project involves a major speculative renovation of one of the twin, 105,000-square-foot, class A office buildings on the former Bayer Pharmaceuticals campus.
Steve Lubetkin |
stevelubetkin |
Updated on August 02, 2016
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MONTVILLE, NJ—Vision Real Estate Partners and Real Capital Solutions are wrapping up the multi-tenant repositioning of Mountain Ridge on Changebridge Road in Montville. As previously reported by, the project involves a major speculative renovation of one of the twin, 105,000-square-foot, class A office buildings on the former Bayer Pharmaceuticals campus. “At Mountain Ridge , we have taken what was already an institutional-quality office building and infused elements to bring it to today’s workplace standards for efficiency, lifestyle and aesthetics,” says Sam Morreale , founder and managing partner of Vision Real Estate Partners . “Ultimately, this campus will provide a setting that helps tenants recruit and maintain talent, and promotes productivity and success.” The joint venture ownership has replaced the front of the travertine marble structure with a glass curtain wall system. The design extends the third-story forward, creating distinctive exterior angles. Metal cladding and architectural elements carry through to the back of the building, where a new awning has been installed. Inside, a two-story atrium lobby features stone, millwork, upgraded lighting and lounge seating with a coffee bar. Vision Real Estate Partners and Real Capital Solutions are creating a town hall-style conference area in the extended third-floor space, and refinishing elevators, bathrooms and other common areas throughout the building. Mountain Ridge at Montville features flexible, 25,000-square-foot floor plates – including three stories and a lower level – with a 5/1,000 parking ratio. Mountain Ridge sits on a gated, 27-acre hilltop site fronting on I-80 at exit 48. It is located just two blocks from Route 46 at Hook Mountain Road, 1.5 miles from I-280 and three miles from I-287. Cushman & Wakefield’sCurtis Foster and Jerry Shifrin are marketing Mountain Ridge . “This property offers unparalleled access and prominent identity,” Foster says. “We are seeing strong interest from mid-size, headquarters-type users as well as smaller requirements. The beauty of Mountain Ridge is that it offers the flexibility to accommodate all types of tenants seeking modern space.” Vision Real Estate Partners and Real Capital Solutions both have track records of successfully repurposing older buildings as modern workplaces. The second building at Mountain Ridge is available for custom build-out. The ownership also is considering alternate uses for a portion of the campus.
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