LOS ANGELES—The sports and entertainment company is filling a void in the market with its new AEG Facilities Global Solutions division, which will provide management and planning services for sports facilities around the globe.
Kelsi Maree Borland |
kelsimareeborland |
Updated on August 10, 2016
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LOS ANGELES— AEG has launched it’s a new planning and management platform called AEG Facilities Global Solutions to provide consultation and operator perspective to facility owners around the world. The new division of AEG will provide planning and management services to its sports and entertainment facilities owners and operators through the construction process and beyond. Jay Cooper has been tapped to lead the new division as managing director. “As AEG has grown, we have developed many industry leading initiatives for our own facilities,” Cooper tells GlobeSt.com. “We own facilities throughout the world, and we recognize as we develop these programs that there is a void in the industry to provide real programs to our clients. We started sharing selectively to select clients, and now we are starting to receive requests from others. We felt that this was a good time to launch global solutions.” AEG will tailor packages to clients’ needs, and can assist for as short as four months, but typically works on projects for two to three years, according to Cooper. The services will not differ from the internal strategy that the company already employs and which has earned it great success; it will now be available to a broader group of owners and operators. “Our emphasis is on providing support for our owns, whether it is a steam or municipal agency, to help bridge that gap with the architect and construction firms,” says Cooper. “We work with all of the major architecture firms; we work with the construction manager and the design team to offer operator input into that process. We follow the continuum of design to transition out of construction into a functioning facility for our clients.” Rather than building up the a larger client pool, AEG first wants to perfect the services platform and offerings in its first year. “We are looking to take our existing clients and make sure that we are putting together a platform that best represents their needs,” adds Cooper. “We want to get our house in order and make sure that we are all on the same page moving forward. There are a lot of people that are interested in aspects of the platform, and it is just a matter of taking those details and building it into a broader program.”
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