ST. LOUIS—The company will expand its global occupier services and property client accounting groups, which serve national and global clients.
By Brian J. Rogal |
Updated on October 17, 2016
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ST. LOUIS—Cushman & Wakefield plans to add 600 new jobs to its operations in the St. Louis metro area by 2019, according to company officials. To support this growth, Cushman & Wakefield has leased 92,000 square feet at 575 Maryville Centre in Town and Country, MO, a suburb just west of the city. The move will help the global firm organize its operations after a series of mergers and acquisitions greatly increased its size.
A consortium led byTPG Capitalclosed on its $2-billion acquisition ofCushman & Wakefieldin late 2015, combining it withDTZ, which merged earlier that year withCassidy Turley. With approximately 43,000 employees worldwide, the combined company now operates under the Cushman & Wakefield brand.
The company has its global headquarters in Chicago, but also had a significant shared services platform in the St. Louis area, including human resources, information technology and accounting.
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