Joel Ross
Based on a recent survey conducted with industry participants, many do not feel Trump has been helpful to the industry. After reading the sampling of specific comments, it is clear many are letting their personal political feelings cloud their thinking. This is not a defense of Trump, who has many defects, and who is a developer with a history of bad behavior with subs, banks and others. But all of his faults should not get in the way of objective analysis of where are we in CRE today vs where were we a year ago.
Obama was a disaster for the US and the world and lied about all sorts of major issues. He left the world a far more dangerous place, the US with the worst race relations in 30 years, a massive deficit, hundreds of thousands of dead in the mid east, a disastrous agreement with Iran and a nuclear N Korea, and the slowest growing economy coming out of a recession we have ever seen. For all his faults and major personality problems, Trump through the work of his outstanding cabinet, are fixing many of the serious problems facing the economy and the world that Obama and Hilary created. If you are objective, you can’t think the last 8 years was positive for the economy or the world. Ignore Trump and his tweets, and pay attention to what the cabinet is quietly actually accomplishing.