Nominations For Rainmakers Extended to Friday

In the January/February issue of Real Estate Forum, we will be profiling some of the most prolific capital markets mortgage originators in the commercial real estate arena.

NEW YORK CITY–Do clients beg to have you work your debt and equity magic for their deals? Do you routinely close a high number of mortgage originations every month? Do you know ever lender in town, or so it would seem? Are you, in other words, a rainmaker?

In the January/February issue of Real Estate Forum, we will be profiling some of the most prolific capital markets mortgage originators in the commercial real estate arena. In order to even the playing field between nominees in varying markets, we have developed the following methodology: All nominees will be scored on the total number of transactions and the total volume of all transactions. The final score will be based on the average of the two fields.

This ranking will determine the top Rainmakers in CRE debt and equity.

If you haven’t already, Real Estate Forum invites you to apply.

Deadline for submissions is midnight on Friday, Dec 14.

Please note the following about the submissions:

All transactions represented in the totals submitted must have closed during the fiscal year between October 1, 2017 and September 30, 2018, and all nominees must have been directly involved with the transactions. If submitting a team, all members must have been directly involved with all the deals submitted for the entire group.

For verification purposes, all nominees must provide a list of all transactions contributing to the figures in the totals above. Partial lists—such as blacked-out borrower/lender information—are acceptable, as long as the number and value of transactions is evident. Inability to provide this information will result in disqualification.

All entries must be electronically submitted via this form

The finalists will be presented in the January/February 2019 issue of Forum by overall rank, category and region, as well as in a special supplement on The issue will also be distributed at the CREFC Annual Conference in February.