McDermott Completes Construction of Peach Bottom, PA, Power Station
York 2 Energy Center is an 848-megawatt, dual-fueled, combined-cycle gas turbine power station owned by Calpine Mid-Merit, an affiliate of Calpine Corp.
PEACH BOTTOM TOWNSHIP, PA—Houston-based McDermott International, has completed construction of Calpine’s York 2 Energy Center, an 828-megawatt combined-cycle gas power station in Peach Bottom Township, PA. The plant has been turned over to the owner to begin commercial operations.
“The York 2 Energy Center Combined-Cycle EPC power station project is substantially completed,” says Mark Coscio, McDermott’s senior vice president for North, Central and South America. “Calpine has commenced commercial operations.”
York 2 Energy Center is a dual-fueled, combined-cycle gas turbine power station owned by Calpine Mid-Merit, an affiliate of Calpine Corp.