Heidi Kimball Named Chair of ULI Arizona

Kimball, SVP of Sunbelt Holdings, will serve a two-year term, which started this month.

Heidi Kimball

Heidi Kimball has been named as the new chair of Urban Land Institute Arizona. She is the SVP at Sunbelt Holdings, and been an active ULI member since 2007. As chair, she will serve a two-year term, which began on July 1.

Kimball succeeds Charley Freericks, SVP with Catellus Development Corporation, as chair. Freericks will step into the Governance Chair role for ULI.

In addition, Mark Winkleman and Heather Personne have also assumed new roles. Winkleman, president of MGS Realty Partners, will serve as vice chair, and Heather Personne, managing principal of Evolve Ventures, will serve as treasurer.