Calling All CRE Debt & Equity Finance Professionals

Real Estate Forum is seeking professionals and firms who have helped shape the CRE finance industry. The nomination deadline is fast approaching at October 11th.

Do you know of an individual or company that has made significant contributions to commercial real estate through their creative financing efforts/? Have you worked with a debt and equity firm that has seamlessly navigated through a difficult transaction in the industry? Do you know of a professional with an impressive understanding of the industry that deserves to be recognized for their work in finance?

As global CRE investment flows continuously shift and consumers view uncertain times in real estate, debt and equity professionals continue to create financing opportunities, both large and small, for clients to benefit from the industry.

Throughout this cycle, a wealth of capital has been flowing into CRE. While loan originations encompass much of the financing, the middleman and middlewoman are often underappreciated, as they seamlessly arrange debt and equity for major transactions. These individuals and firms structure deals while meeting the needs of both borrowers and lenders.

While lending sources continue to proliferate, deal structures have become more complicated, with new rules, regulations, sources and partnerships generating all of the time. These professionals have acquired a deep understanding of the industry’s ins and outs, allowing the ability to effortlessly navigate the often uncertain and complicated markets.

For GlobeSt. Real Estate Forum’s next influencer series, we are looking to acknowledge and praise the people and firms who have helped arrange and place debt and equity offerings in commercial real estate. Not only will we recognize individual pioneers who have made a noticeable industry impact through their efforts, but we will additionally highlight entire organizations, as well as teams and groups within relevant companies that have become crucial to the industry.

Chosen influencers will be profiled in a prominent feature in the January/February issue of Real Estate Forum and online at

The deadline for nominations is October 11th. To apply, click here.


What information/data will I need to apply?

The complete nomination form, including all questions and word limits, is available for download here. Please note that this is for preparation purposes only. The final nomination must be submitted online.

Who may apply?

The form is open to any individual or organization whose primary business is in debt & equity CRE finance.

Can I nominate myself?

Yes. We accept self-nominations, as well as third-party submissions.

Oops! I realized I need to change something on my submission.

No problem! Click here to view or make a change to your entry.

How and when will winners be notified?

Editorial staff will send email notifications to the winners and submitters by the end of October. Due to the high volume of nominations we receive, only those selected will be notified.

When will the issue come out?

GlobeSt. Real Estate Forum will profile the Rainmakers in Debt & Equity Finance in the January/February issue. Winners will also gain recognition on

Is there a fee to apply?

No. Submission to this, and all of our editorial content, is free.

How do I increase my chances of being selected?

Be as descriptive, yet concise as possible. Sounds redundant, but it’s simple. Provide details on why you think your entry should be chosen as an Influencer, but leave out the fluff, like marketing content and self-congratulatory comments. We don’t mind reading long entries, but don’t hide the items of importance within pages of trivialities. Support your entry and statements with backup information—we love facts and figures—or files such as media coverage.

What if I still have questions regarding my nomination?

Please contact managing editor Erika Morphy at with any additional queries.