GlobeSt. Real Estate Forum Reveals Net Lease Honorees

The power of influence is vast, and influencers yield such clout that they are able to effect change through direct and, more often than not, indirect action. The impact of the following net lease influencers is recognizable and significant.

NEW YORK CITY—In all segments of the commercial real estate business, there are a number of individuals that have made an indelible impact on their line of business. Be it through their contributions to the industry, or the vast successes they’ve racked up in completing deals and projects, or the innovations and best practices they’ve introduced to the business, these people and organizations have helped to shape their field and where it is headed.

GlobeSt. Real Estate Forum is delighted to reveal that the honoree list for the inaugural Net Lease Awards has just been released. We received many exceptional submissions on this one so a huge congratulations to those who made the list.


The award ceremony congratulating these honorees will be taking place at The Marriott Marquis Hotel New York, on March 31, 2020. Click here to learn more about the awards event as well as our national Net Lease conference, which will bring together the industry’s most influential and knowledgeable real estate executives from the net lease sector. There, you will also gain insights from the experts and prepare your transactions & investments for continued success.

Lastly, keep an eye out for the March/April issue of GlobeSt. Real Estate Forum where we will further profile these net lease influencers and their accomplishments.