A Step-By-Step Guide to Reopening an Office

Returning workers are worried, particularly about office cleaning procedures and their co-workers.


Lockdowns are easing in many parts of America, and people are returning to their workplaces. But with coronavirus rates still surging in parts of the country, employees are also anxious. 

According to a survey on attitudes about re-entry by JLL, a professional services firm specializing in real estate, workers are worried, particularly about office cleaning procedures and the health dangers posed by the proximity of coworkers. 

To reassure employees and make return-to-work a smooth, orderly process for everyone, JLL has released its (Re)entry Guidebook, a detailed outline of best practices for transitioning to the “next normal.” 

The guidebook breaks the process into three main pillars:

  1. Physical space—”(re)activate space”: how and when people should begin to return to the workspace, and how the space is structured and used.
  2. Safety concerns—”(re)spect health and wellness”: how to prioritize the safety, security and health of employees, tenants and visitors.
  3. Procedures—”(re)vitalize property and workplace operations”: how to make workspaces ready for re-entry that follow new business and social distancing protocols, as well as government guidelines/requirements.

For the first pillar regarding space, many of the guidelines are aimed at promoting social distancing:

The guidelines for the second pillar regarding health include these suggestions:

The third pillar concerns procedures and operations. Among its suggestions:

But despite the best planning for re-opening the workplace, the guide also reminds us that we should prepare for setbacks—the possibility of another closing should there be a recurrence of the virus or other unexpected snag. With that in mind, the guide recommends that businesses set up “quick-close” procedures that abide by safety and insurance protocols.

The bottom line is that businesses must be flexible to deal with changes during this uncertain time. JLL’s Americas CEO for corporate solutions, Sanjay Rishi, calls the re-entry a “non-linear” process: “We believe that re-entry should be a gradual, multi-phased journey.”