UpClose With Brett Puckett on Balancing Military and CRE
Stan Johnson’s Brett Puckett prepares for deployment soon after launching successful career in commercial real estate. We sat down with him to talk more about deployment and stepping away from a CRE.
Selfless, honorable, loyal, focused, driven. These are a few words that describe Brett Puckett – associate at Stan Johnson Co. and Major in the United States Air National Guard. This fall, Brett will put his professional career temporarily on hold to begin a six-month deployment. We, here at GlobeSt.com, recognize the sacrifice he and his family are making, and we are honored that Puckett took time to share his story with us.
GlobeSt.com: Can you describe your military career/? What about your pending deployment is most exciting?
Brett Puckett: I enlisted in the active duty Air Force in 2001 and transferred to the Air National Guard in 2005. In 2010, I commissioned as an officer and was just promoted to Major this year. My entire military career has been spent in meteorology, and I’ll be focused on that discipline during my deployment. I’m very excited to have the chance to serve our great country, and even though that may sound clichéd, that’s what is instilled in us and what we train for. I think of a minor league baseball player getting called to the big leagues and getting a chance to contribute to something bigger. In this case, I hope my big league stay is brief, but I will enjoy the impact I’ll have on the mission.
GlobeSt.com: What concerns do you have about being away from your family?
Puckett: It’s tough to say exactly how my deployment will impact my family, but my wife is a champ! She’s one of the strongest people I’ve ever known. I’m sure there will be some trying times at home while I’m gone, but I have to lean on the hope that the last 16 years of parenting will give my children enough momentum to thrive while I’m away.
GlobeSt.com: How easy is it to balance your military career with your professional career? You’ve been with Stan Johnson Co. for almost one year and have built a lot of momentum. Will that be difficult to step away from?
Puckett: Balancing my military career with my real estate career has not been a problem. I’ve had many years of experience balancing two careers, and I look at myself as “always on” with both. It’s common for me to take and make phone calls related to business while I’m wearing the uniform, and I’m blessed that the nature of my military career has allowed that. During my deployment though, I hope the impact to my professional career is minimal. There will definitely be the lost time of having conversations that build relationships that lead to winning business, but I’m confident that my team will carry the torch while I’m gone, and that I’ll be motivated to hit the ground running upon my return.
GlobeSt.com: Have you had a mentor in your professional career?
Puckett: Yes, my long-time friend, Ryan Roedersheimer, is also my colleague and mentor. When he moved out of technology sales and into commercial real estate, I listened to him rave about how fulfilling the industry was, and I could see through his excitement that this was the industry for me. Ryan has given so freely of his time and knowledge, and I know there’s no way I would have gotten the jump start on this new endeavor the way I did without him.
GlobeSt.com: Is Ryan the reason you joined Stan Johnson Co.?
Puckett: The short answer is yes, but it’s deeper than that. I ultimately joined the company because I witnessed all the wonderful characteristics that Ryan saw and connected with when he decided to join, and the firm’s culture is at the top of that list. The culture is one area that sets the firm apart.
GlobeSt.com: What advice would you share with someone just starting their career?
Puckett: For someone just starting out, whether it’s a professional career or a military career, my advice to them is to be who you say you are. That doesn’t mean you can’t change or strive to be more, but you must first be who you say you are. You have to understand your weaknesses and be open to feedback from others to truly understand you are.
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