Three Elements to Make Multifamily Work-From-Home Friendly

In this exclusive podcast, Kevin Nice of EBI Consulting does a deep dive into the successful work-from-home environment. Spoiler Alert: There are three essential elements to making work from home work.

The idea of working from home isn’t new. But, as you’ve probably noticed by now, the concept has gained new steam in this age of quarantines. Kevin Nice, senior program manager at EBI Consulting in Burlington, MA, brings his more than two decades of architecture and engineering experience to the question of work-at-home designs. He also brings that insight to this podcast, where he shares his thoughts on what it takes to make a home office work, and work well.

Boiling it down, he points to three essential elements of a successful design:

The formal office isn’t going away, he makes clear. People will always want to get out of the house and collaborate. But, as you’ll hear by clicking the podcast link, in this day of increased options, executing wisely on those options is critical to health, safety and productivity.

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