How One Woman Addressed the Challenge of Work Life Balance

It’s called the Fair Play Method.

OLYMPIC VALLEY, CA—Amy Galvin, CEO of Luxury Living, kicked off an afternoon panel at the GlobeSt Women of Influence conference held at the Everline Resort & Spa. She addressed the challenge of balancing the mental and emotional responsibilities of home life while striving for professional success, emphasizing her advocacy for the Fair Play Method.

“The Fair Play Method is an operational system that fosters equity and engagement between partners at home,” Galvin explained. “It enables couples to collaboratively and fairly divide domestic responsibilities. By implementing this method, both partners can carve out necessary time and space for themselves.”

Passionate about women’s equality, Galvin asserted that achieving equity at home directly translates to equity in the workplace. “Women cannot pursue ambitious careers or make significant strides if they are burdened and exhausted by domestic duties,” she emphasized. “This imbalance contributes to burnout and adds to the mental load we carry into our professional lives. It’s essential to prioritize our well-being and avoid running on empty.”

Galvin is a dedicated advocate for women, supporting them through coaching, mentorship, and public speaking engagements. Her advocacy underscores the importance of creating supportive environments both at home and in the workplace for women to thrive.

Check back for for more from the Women of Influence conference.

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