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Erika Morphy
Kristen Smithberg
Philippa Maister
Deportation, budget cuts, return to work and tariffs could have both positive and negative impacts.
Foot traffic was up last year for the three major discount and dollar store chains.
Warehouse robotics could generate $10 billion in annual savings within five years.
It paid for a total of $103.3 million for the properties,
Three Manhattan areas are standing out to these retailers.
However, one new concept appears to be working in the industry.
Some rent growth is expected but supply can cause some challenges in 2025.
The portfolio covers 709 homes and a total of 1.4 million square feet.
“The biggest players are making transformative investments in AI.”
This marks the firm's seventh multi-project development fund.
Les Shaver
Nearby Jackson Square has the hottest recovery vibe in San Francisco.
The $1 billion program was passed by Congress in 2022.
Renting frees up cash for more lucrative investments.
It finds that renters who invest in homeownership cost savings could come out ahead.
More people are put off by the costs of buying and see rentals as a long-term plan.
The demand side of the housing equation is changing.
But investors and lenders are taking an increasingly cautious approach to transactions.
Often perceived as a solution for startups, they can aid real estate and workplace strategy.
The move allows the company to prepare the building for a new wave of tenants.
Despite headwinds, topline RevPAR is expected to grow through the remainder of 2025 into 2026.
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