MIAMI-Christian Driussi, vice president for Brickell Bay Office Tower, tells most of his tenants have been in the property for more than 10 years.
FT. MEYERS, FL-Plaza Advisors Jim Michalak tells he expects to see an uptick in retail shopping center sales in the first quarter after witnessing 27 Publix-anchored centers in Florida sell during 2010.
ATLANTA-JLL Managing Director Chris Marshall says investors looking for alternatives to the 'gateway' cities such as Washington, D.C. are beginning to focus on markets such as Atlanta.
WEST PALM BEACH, FL-Moelis & Co.'s Bill Derrough tells he expects the Innkeepers transaction will set a positive tone for 2011 lodging M&A.
NASHVILLE-Retail real estate guru David Baker tells that Nashville's diversified economy is helping the city bounce back from the retail doldrums.
FT. LAUDERDALE,FL-Urgo plans to close the nine-story hotel carry out a six-month renovation program that will essentially transform the property into a brand new hotel.