Freddie Mac updates its Seller / Servicer guide to incorporate the most current ASTM Standard Guide E2026-16a and ASTM Standard Practice E2557-16a for assessing seismic risk. How does this change - which is effective immediately - impact you?
Freddie Mac has just released Multifamily Green Advantage, a green financing offering that provides beneficial loan terms to borrowers who commit to assessing or improving the asset's energy or water performance.
Fannie Mae will reward multifamily properties with a green building certification with a 10 basis point reduction in the interest rate of a refinance, acquisition or supplemental mortgage loan.
Starting January 1, all loans securitized by Fannie Mae must adhere to the updated Fannie 2.0 guidelines. Drew McCreery summarizes some of the key changes to requirements for consultants, templates and reporting practices.
In an effort to become more competitively involved in the small balance loan market and to further support affordable housing, Freddie Mac on October 9, 2014 launched a Small Balance Loan Platform (“SBL”) to purchase and securitize small multifamily loans. A number of changes have been made to underwriting requirements that lenders and their borrowers should be aware of.