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Original Northeast commercial real estate news & events for New York, New Jersey, Boston, Philadelphia, and other northeastern US states, plus expert insights, commentary and analysis into secondary and tertiary regional and local markets.
There has been a three-fold increase in construction spending on manufacturing since 2021.
So far, the developer has deployed roughly $385 million across 16 assets.
There is deep skepticism about the relationships between officials and developers.
With a 5% year-over-year gain in January, the retail index outperformed all types.
Recent statistics do not bode well for us.
The sector is expected to deliver the second-highest new supply since 2008 this year.
Plus, the company is using data to explore opportunities.
There are questions whether this could work either politically or practically.
Mortgage-backed securities in the city have sparked up, attracting investor dollars.
Concerns about pollution have grown amid demands for faster delivery.