Ever since JC Penney filed for bankruptcy earlier this month, rumors have swirled around potential buyers. The latest—and most dissected by insiders—is Amazon.
While many companies are declaring they plan to shift to permanent remote workers, others believe that these companies will change their footprint to focus on suburban locations.
Grocers have mostly avoided the pain caused by e-commerce, but COVID-19 is forcing adoption of online delivery. Grocers and the REITs that lease to them need to adapt quickly, BTIG consultants say.
"U.S. restaurants are being hit particularly hard by widespread stay-at-home guidelines and business closures, which contributed to a near-50% drop year over year in spending at restaurants and bars during April," S&P Market Intelligence stated.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a demand for robotic fulfillment facilities that will support the online food delivery industry and these facilities will pick and handle groceries orders faster and better.
Student housing is poised for increased distress rates as leases expire and universities ponder if they will reopen campuses, according to a new report released by Trepp.