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SCOTTSDALE-With $100 million of their own at stake, local officials ask developer of planned $550-million sports and entertainment complex to provide more financial records.
PHOENIX-Phillips Petroleum buys Uptown parcel for $1 million, plans a much-needed gas station for the site.
PHOENIX-After sitting half-full for the past few years, a flurry of new lease deals has pushed the office development's occupancy rate to 87%.
SCOTTSDALE, AZ-A Colorado investment company buys Mountain View Corporate Center, a fully leased complex in one of the region's tightest markets.
Gerding/Edlen's Agave Center, with its 300,000 sf of office space, has broken ground.
Deer Valley Office Park is but the latest Phoenix development to break ground.
Sky Harbor Airport is becoming the hot computer-related mecca.
Developer will brak ground on 1.2 million sf in Memphia as part of national program for client.