TACOMA, WA-Since the city spent $100 million on a fiber optic network, 100 start-up technology companies having set up shop, prompting some locals to add an "e-" in front of Commerce Street, a major city thoroughfare.
BERKELEY, CA- Having posted 9.3% total return in the third quarter to date and 25.1% gains year to date, "REITs are no longer the laggard in the equities performance derby.
SEATTLE- Burnham Pacific Properties, a real estate investment trust, owns 13 shopping centers in King, Snohomish and Whatcom counties that will be part of the disposition
FAIRVIEW, OR- Change is coming to the sprawling park near the Columbia River; the regional government that owns the park can no longer afford to keep it as is
SEATTLE-The online commercial space leasing company also makes several key promotions within its existing management team as it moves towards a September launch.
PORTLAND- Benson manager Ron Gladney says the upgrades will allow two guests in one room to access the Internet at the same time; the new services are expected to be available by late summer or early fall.
OLYMPIA-Growth in seasonal employment was offset by large layoffs in non-certified school personnel, leaving the July rate a tenth of a percentage point above where it was a year ago.