DALLAS-After months of working the plan, Kyle Redfearn and his new team put the service into the market for CBRE's existing clients and as an outsourcing tool for new business.
CHENGDU, CHINA-One pro credits the international building code for undamaged newer buildings. China's now seen in a new light, but it's too early to tell the full investment impact.
CHENGDU, CHINA-One pro credits the international building code for undamaged newer buildings. China's now seen in a new light, but it's too early to tell the full investment impact.
DALLAS-The class A and class B mix, assessed at $19 million, passes to Mission Residential in an all-cash value-add scenario. The no-minimum ask drew 24 offers.
DALLAS-The class A and class B mix, assessed at $19 million, passes to Mission Residential in an all-cash value-add scenario. The no-minimum ask drew 24 offers.
FORT WORTH-The buyer grabs a second complex in the struggling Woodhaven district. The 62%-leased Willows of Woodhaven is in line for $200,000 of renovations.
FORT WORTH-The buyer grabs a second complex in the struggling Woodhaven district. The 62%-leased Willows of Woodhaven is in line for $200,000 of renovations.
DALLAS-The two-year-old rumor surfaces again. Well-placed sources say it is still rumor at this point, but aren't discounting that it won't turn to fact this time around.
DALLAS-The two-year-old rumor surfaces again. Well-placed sources say it is still rumor at this point, but aren't discounting that it won't turn to fact this time around.