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Building commodities prices are inflated from increased demand and ongoing supply chain issues.
The ending of the eviction moratorium is opening up landlords and tenants to uncertainty. Here's how property managers can help navigate, and what they can expect.
If the suggestion is put into action, it's unclear what the impact on CRE might be.
SIOR's incoming global president-elect shares how this booming sector is an area of potential growth for young female brokers.
The hospitality industry may be hurting, but that doesn't mean hotel real estate has to.
While US markets were a little shaken by news of Evergrande, commercial real estate will likely be fine.
The moves might have limited effects on commercial real estate.
Real estate leaders and companies must adapt to remain relevant in the future.
Some experts say it's too early to fret.
But there are signs that the party isn't unified on changes.