CARDIFF-Land Securities and Capital Shopping Centres have agreed to merge their landholdings in Cardiff to bring forward a 750,000 sf redevelopment of the retail core of the Welsh capital.
LONDON-Average yields on UK commercial property have moved out for the sixth consecutive quarter to stand at 7.3% according to CB Hillier Parker. Offices and Industrials in London and the South East have been hardest hit by the slump in investor confidence.
LONDON-Specialist industrial investor Brixton has created a new customer services company called B-Serv to provide services like cleaning and security to occupiers on the company's industrial estates.
LONDON-Pillar Property's City of London Property Unit Trust has revised its plans for Austral House in Basinghall Avenue, London EC2. A new planning application has been lodged extending the scheme to 247,464 sf.
LONDON-South African financial services group Credo has bought the 200,000-sf Millennium Bridge House in the City of London from a German private investor. The building is the HQ of rival South African group Old Mutual.
LONDON-Short-term fluctuations in the electronics sector will do little to dampen demand for broadband communications, and landlords must continue to provide enhanced infrastructure, claims Weatherall Green & Smith.
LONDON-Compco Holdings has bought a group of historic buildings in Midtown from the Prudential. The 42,000 sf of offices, dating from 1545, are thought to have strong growth prospects.
LONDON-Office developer Development Securities saw NAV its rise just ahead of inflation in the year to June 2001. It reports good progress on its central London and business park schemes.
LONDON-Canary Wharf capped a remarkable year of leasing activity with a sparkling set of results today. The net asset value of the UK's second-biggest listed property company rose 31% in the year to 30 June 2001.