John Salustri has covered the commercial real estate industry for nearly 25 years. He was the founding editor of, and is a four-time recipient of the Excellence in Journalism award from the National Association of Real Estate Editors.
NEW YORK CITY-According to its SEC filing, the 20 million shares are expected to move for an estimated $9 to $11 per share. After going public, you can also expect a change in strategy.
CANNES, FR-Last week's Mipim conference gave analysts from around the world the opportunity to place their bets on the hot spots and cool locations among international real estate centers.
CANNES, FR-A French investment firm, with its roots stretching back to the Napoleonic wars, is ready to boost city centers in need of rehabilitation. In other Mipim news, LandAmerica officially unveiled its Euro offices.
CANNES, FR-While Hines Italia awaits the next round of approvals on its $621.4-million Garibaldi Repubblica, Apollo, in joint venture with Rida, unveils its $870-million purchase of retail centers throughout Poland.
CANNES, FR-As more than 15,000 real estate executives from around the globe descend on this resort town, executives from King Sturge reveal to that the firm has just inked a deal for an alliance in Mexico.
Talk about your contrarian views. Peter Linneman thinks a jobless recovery is not only necessary, it's normal. And he thinks that real estate types who bemoan the horrors of the recent recession and the attendant loss of jobs to places like India are displaying twin lapses of memory and imagination.
NEW YORK CITY-John Moody and Thomas Nye--from the early 1990s to 2000 CEO and treasurer of Cornerstone (respectively)--are now on board with HRO. The pair will head the US investment push the firm is mounting for HausInvest Global Fund.
HOLLYWOOD, CA-Sources close to the deal say that CIM, backed by pension fund money, is in due diligence now for the massive mixed-use entertainment complex. Shedding the beleaguered asset will allow Trizec to "Get on with their life as an office REIT.