John Salustri has covered the commercial real estate industry for nearly 25 years. He was the founding editor of, and is a four-time recipient of the Excellence in Journalism award from the National Association of Real Estate Editors.
HOUSTON—Don't worry. Millennials get their space as well in this town's CityCentre. But this NAHB finalist went for—and landed—a more established upscale clientele.
SAN ANTONIO—Forget “Animal House.” In fact, forget any preconceived notions about student housing. This NAHB finalist has raised the bar.…No, not that kind of bar.
AUSTIN—The Transwestern executive—and <strong>CCIM <em>THRIVE</em></strong> featured speaker—is bullish on capital-market movement—until 2018, that is.
WASHINGTON, DC—A “sleepy corner of the nation's capital” has become a vibrant community center, engaging a diverse population, thanks to this Pillars of the Industry finalist.
AUSTIN—Joe Cosenza continues to be an outspoken advocate for maintaining 1031s…as this exclusive interview indicates. And you can expect more of the same at CCIM <em>THRIVE</em>.
NASHVILLE—Ryman Lofts' funky design not only pleases the local arts community but also puts a limited budget to work where it is needed most. The innovative approaches of this project make it a contender in this year's NAHB Pillars of the Industry Awards.
MINNEAPOLIS—A major, breakthrough adaptive re-use here would set a new bar for city-dwellers. That is, once the railroad pulled out. First in's Series on NAHB's Pillars of the Industry finalists.
AUSTIN—China? Greece? Stock market plunges? Granite Properties CEO Michael Dardick is bullish on US investment. And he says all investors should be too.
WASHINGTON, DC—Market-leading strategies and designs will take center stage when the NAHB unveils its Pillars of the Industry Awards. For the second consecutive year, will provide you with an all-access pass.