John Salustri has covered the commercial real estate industry for nearly 25 years. He was the founding editor of, and is a four-time recipient of the Excellence in Journalism award from the National Association of Real Estate Editors.
NEW YORK CITY-In the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attack, the real estate industry surveys the damage and talks about rebuilding. Most respondents predict only short-term downside in the valuation of high-rise CBD office space.
NEW YORK CITY-The market is ripe for buyers to beef up their portfolios at bargain basement prices. But buyers aren't picking up anything they can get their hands on. Their interest in multifamily reveals that buyers want to go where the solid opportunities are.
NEW YORK CITY-The market is ripe for buyers to beef up their portfolios at bargain basement prices. But buyers aren't picking up anything they can get their hands on. Their interest in multifamily reveals that buyers want to go where the solid opportunities are.
NEW YORK CITY-Developer Larry Silverstein has answered a question that has dominated the minds of New Yorkers and all Americans: Will the World Trade Center rise again?
NEW YORK CITY-In a prepared statement, the new holder of the 99-year master lease on the World Trade Center makes his sentiments known. "Anyone who believes in freedom and democracy became a New Yorker," he says.
NEW YORK CITY-"Close by, another man rapped his useless cell phone repeatedly on the park bench and then clutched his head in his hands. That one gesture, more than any other, seemed to summarize the day.
NEW YORK CITY-Just blocks from the scene of the disaster, minutes after the towers went down, one survivor of yesterday's terrorist attack that devastated the World Trade Center shared his story with
NEW YORK CITY-National lobbying efforts help a woefully decentralized industry, but the legislative cards--especially in terms of environmental issues--are still stacked against commercial real estate.