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New job seekers should consider affordability, wages and hiring rates when choosing where to live.
Three-quarters of consumers plan to increase or maintain the frequency of their gym visits despite financial pressures.
The gap between renting and buying has grown to roughly $1,290 per month.
As retail spaces get smaller, optimizing traffic patterns and merchandising strategies become key.
In large coastal hubs, $1,500 is enough to rent a small studio apartment.
Forty percent of CRE entities say they are focusing on maintaining an existing portfolio in the near term.
A lot will be riding on the July unemployment rate that comes out Aug. 2.
In the best cities for renters, rent can cost as little as 15% of income.
The Texas city has a low rent-to-income ratio of 19.7% and a high rental vacancy rate of 9%.
Equity financing continues to be less available, while debt financing and sales volume indicate favorable conditions.