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The way that we organize our cities has a profound impact on our carbon footprints.
There are three projects in active development in Manhattan and the company plans to invest outside of New York City as well.
Bubbles are generally driven by speculation and in the case of the last housing bubble, very lax underwriting.
HUD funded 346 loans totaling $6.04 billion for Q1 down from 404 loans totaling $8.92 billion in the previous quarter.
Current occupiers are predicted to remain renters for longer amid rising mortgage rates.
Rent payments could be underpriced by anywhere from 85% to 134% when leases roll.
The bounce back in traffic from last year has been strongest over the breakfast and lunch time periods.
Interest in CBD location remains high, despite increasing popularity of the suburban office sector.
There are an estimated 580,000 apartments in live-work-play buildings nationwide.
Private investors have migrated to acquiring shopping centers because of better yields, compared with other real estate.